Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Clinic Notes: Refrigerator Mothers

After American psychiatrist Leo Kanner published the first paper on autism in 1943, psychoanalyst Bruno Bettelheim wrote extensively about so-called “refrigerator mothers,” who were emotionally cold and rejecting. According to Bettelheim these mothers caused a psychosis in their children which was similar to schizophrenia. (Very few autistic children actually develop adult schizophrenia.) Unfortunately, mothers at the time not only had to deal with an autistic child, they also had to deal with their guilt. In the 1960s, following the publication of Bernard Rimland’s Infantile Autism many psychologists, psychiatrists, and of course neurologists, thought biological factors caused autism. I had dinner with Bettelheim in the early 1970s and I tried to discuss with him the role of biological factors in autism. He refused to accept the possibility and told me in no uncertain terms to go read his books. There I would find all of the answers to my questions. At the time he was still saying, for a fee, that moms caused autism. I experienced Bettelheim as a grouchy, depressed old man, and I’ve often wondered if he knew he was wrong and felt badly about all of the guilt he’d caused mothers. (I’d like to think there’s a certain amount of justice in the world.) Excerpted from Little Bubba's Not Ready for Nashville Yet" Available at