Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Clinic Notes: Children with Developmental Disabilities and God

According to a recent Schafer Report, Bob Marshall, a legislator in Virginia, said in a press conference that disabled children are God's punishment because mom's had prior abortions. The press conference was a group of 20 or so clergy who were opposed to state funding for Planned Parenthood who provides abortions. Well, I see 40 plus kids in my clinic each week and their parents are struggling with the stress of raising a child with special needs and the last thing they need is to hear is that it's God's punishment. I guess I'm going against God for providing ABA and behavior management for these families. It will be interesting to see what fellow Republican Sarah Palin says about this. And by the way Mr. Marshall, none of the moms of disabled children who come to my clinic had an abortion.

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